Yosemite For Kids: Can You Pass The 1933 Yosemite Junior Ranger Test?
The Junior Ranger program is one of the offerings in Yosemite for kids—and it's one of the most popular activities for children visiting this wonderful place. It has a long history--it got its start in 1930 with the initiation of the Yosemite Junior Nature School, which ran until the 1950s. Kids today studying to be Yosemite Junior Rangers—a process that sees them learn (and experience hands-on) basics of the park’s natural history and then taking a knowledge test to achieve the honor—are following in the footsteps of countless others before them.
Becoming a Yosemite Junior Ranger means becoming intimately familiar with the forests, rivers, mountains, flora, and fauna of this part of the western Sierra Nevada. Because the mind of a young child is impressively nimble and inquiring, the material covered isn’t necessarily simplistic.
For example, consider the test questions for Junior Ranger-hood from 1933. Your average adult taking a Yosemite holiday might struggle with most of them—and a child had to answer 26 of 27 questions correctly to get their badge.
Here’s a brief sampling of the test: How would you do? Could you identify and highlight features of ten native Yosemite trees or five native shrubs? Could you tell at least five bird species solely from their songs?
How about picking out and naming no fewer than 25 native wildflowers? Or explaining four different means of discerning the sites of former Indian villages? Speaking of Yosemite’s first inhabitants, could you indicate 15 plants, 10 animals, and three insects natives utilized for food?
The ’33 test also contained this intriguing challenge: “Demonstrate the ability to ‘read the trail-side like a book.’”
These probing questions indicate the great value of the Junior Ranger experience. Children like challenges and adventure—and in the process of indulging in both through the program, they’re also gaining a deep knowledge of a precious piece of public land. Yosemite for kids means both a playground and a classroom.