Sitting on this flowered Yosemite hillside.... with inexpressible delight

When I came upon this flowered hillside yesterday....I knew I would return today. To spend another hour or so sitting among the wildflowers, bees, and butterflies... would be delightful. Today there was a light breeze; and the tall white-blossomed bisorts look pretty bending with the breeze.
To enjoy seeing the beautiful harlequin lupine again...sitting so close to one another....creating an entire hillside of beauty...would be a wonderful delight. Inexpressible delight !!! Harlequin lupine (Lupinus stiversii) has the unusual color combination of yellow and pink in a single blossom. Imagine great masses of these yellow and pink beauties !!! on the open hillside.

The photos I took ...do not do justice to what, "Nature alone can draw." My words are inadequate....but John Muir's words are perfect. "And not withstanding the scene is so impressively spiritual, and you seem dissolved in it, yet everything about you is beating with warm, terrestrial, human love and life delightfully substantial and familiar.
With inexpressible delight .....feeling yourself contained in one of Nature's most sacred chambers, withdrawn from the sterner influences of the mountains, secure from all intrusion, secure from yourself, free in the universal beauty. The quiet aspect...quiet and tranquil. We catch their restful spirit, yield to the soothing influences of the sunshine, and saunter dreamily on through flowers and bees, scarce touched by a definite thought.

Bees hum as in a harvest noon, butterflies waver above the flowers, and like them you lave in the vital sunshine, too richly and homogeneously joy-filled to be capable of partial thought. You are all eye, sifted through and through with light and beauty. Sauntering along....special flowers call you back to discriminating consciousness.
Go where you may, you everywhere find the lawn divinely beautiful, as if Nature had fingered and adjusted every plant this very day. And how rich, too, is the life of the sunny air! Every leaf and flower seems to have its winged representative overhead. The influences of pure nature seem to be so little known as yet.....that complete pleasure of this kind, permeating one's very flesh and bones....the mind is fertilized and stimulated and developed like sun-fed plants..."
Yosemite has 26 species of Lupines....my favorite is the Harlequin....It can be found in well-drained, sandy soil of Oak and Ponderosa Pine forests. Weeden''s A Sierra Nevada Flora....says it's found below 4600'. This flowered hillside is above 6200'!!!!

A collector wrote, "Every step I take into the fields, groves, and hills appears to afford new enjoyments. Here is an old acquaintance seen again, there a novelty. I hasten to pluck it, admire it, and put it in my pack. I feel an exultation. I am going to add a new object, or a page to science. This peaceful conquest has cost no tear, but fills my mind with a proud sensation of not being useless on earth, of having detected another link of the creative power of God."
do for the others by Stephen Stills...paraphrasing
round....round....up...and down all along the hillside singing harmony to see the joy there is to know sitting on this flowered Yosemite hillside .....with inexpressible delight. Born on Father's Day...this is my first birthday without my dad. He would have been happy to hear me tell him how I spent my birthday...on this beautiful flowered hillside.....with inexpressible delight...free in the universal beauty.
Stay in a cozy Scenic Wonders' vacation cabin; bring dad.
Happy Father's Day from the Scenic Wonders Family.
Another terrific day in Yosemite