Sitting in Yosemite's Peregoy Meadow
The Sign reads Glacier Point Road Closing today at 8:00pm. Just up the road in about .5 mile, a Sign of Spring, Blooming dogwood trees. About 4.5 miles up the road a Sign of Spring SNOW PLANTS....or a Sign of Spring Snow...well it is suppose to snow tonight hence the reason for the first sign. This will be the third road closure due to snow since the Glacier Point Road opened on March 28. The road usually reopens within a couple of days. The Tioga Road will close tonight as well until the storm passes by.
Sarcodes sanguinea Three red snow plants 2 weeks ago there was only one visible from the car just before the Badger Pass Ski Resort Turnoff.... Not a safe spot to take a photograph. John Muir, writes in The Yosemite, "It is red, fleshy and watery and looks like a gigantic asparagus shoot.....the entire plant is red." They are rare.....and quite interesting to behold.
About 7.0 miles up the road ....a Sign for the Bridalveil Creek Campground.....near the Dewey Point trailhead whose sign reads McGurk Meadow. Peregoy Meadow is on both sides of the Glacier Point Road at the campground junction. It was named after Charles e. Peregoy, who operated the Mountain House, an early hotel that once stood nearby.
At this spot....a sign of peace......Peaceful...a perfect spot to take a nap or ....to feel alive with wonder..... to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the meadow with its large boulders of granite...erratics planted by the glaciers of long ago. To enjoy the flow of the water.....the beauty of the plant life...the few flowers who haven't unfolded enough to let me identify them....the spring sunlight softly flowing across the meadow grasses, the blue sky with clouds.....the stillness and the quiet....except for the birds....who were singing quietly, in this most beautiful low, level moist grassland.
There is something about sitting in a meadow...that give one a reflective mood...I wondered how many times I had been at this spot since moving to Yosemite...and long before. Meadows have a sense of timelessness about them. Natural places, especially primordial ones like Yosemite, have that sense of timelessness about them....that's what makes them so attractive to the Park Visitor and to the locals.....one can feel the past...... as a joyous present moment.
I'll be back....but not tomorrow....the road will be closed for a short time....Would the meadow be dusted with snow by tonight's storm...or tomorrow's storm? I'll keep you posted on this meadow... as the spring season changes the meadow into a glorious flower garden. It is only a twenty minute drive from Yosemite West. The locals feel.... as if the Glacier Point Road were our own little Tioga Road.....and Peregoy Meadow and the others along the road.....were our own little Tuolumne Meadows.
The story of the life of the meadow....the water flowing through it, the flowers growing, the grasses, the small squirrels, and birds... the coyotes....it has it all....the drama. The meadow is busy.....but one does not feel so. We rush so much....so sit in the meadow and relax....dream...... A meadow is a sanctuary for nature's plants and animals.....and for us.....if we let it.
After spending the day outdoors, spend the evening at your Scenic Wonder's cabin where you can cook up a fancy meal......and share your simple reflections of the day....with your family and friends. Going outdoors...sitting sitting quietly for a couple of hours....observing nature...and then...sleeping comfortably.... inside your Scenic Wonders' vacation home.....dreaming of your time spent sitting in a beautiful Yosemite meadow.

Sitting in Peregoy Meadow along the Bridalveil Creek
At this spot....a sign of peace......Peaceful...a perfect spot to take a nap or ....to feel alive with wonder..... to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the meadow with its large boulders of granite...erratics planted by the glaciers of long ago. To enjoy the flow of the water.....the beauty of the plant life...the few flowers who haven't unfolded enough to let me identify them....the spring sunlight softly flowing across the meadow grasses, the blue sky with clouds.....the stillness and the quiet....except for the birds....who were singing quietly, in this most beautiful low, level moist grassland.
There is something about sitting in a meadow...that give one a reflective mood...I wondered how many times I had been at this spot since moving to Yosemite...and long before. Meadows have a sense of timelessness about them. Natural places, especially primordial ones like Yosemite, have that sense of timelessness about them....that's what makes them so attractive to the Park Visitor and to the locals.....one can feel the past...... as a joyous present moment.