Protecting Songbirds and Habitats In Yosemite
If you happen to be staying with Scenic Wonders in July, you may have the opportunity to participate in exciting conservation work involving some of Yosemite National Park’s most evocative native creatures—its flashy little songbirds.
The Yosemite Conservancy is hosting two free bird-banding demonstration and educational events at Hodgdon Meadow Campground from 7 to 10 a.m. on July 10 and 12. Participants will observe some of the fieldwork involved in the national Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program, in which Yosemite has been involved for an impressive 24 years.
Hands-on Science
You’ll be able to see firsthand the process of mist-netting, by which scientists humanely capture songbirds in order to take data and band them for locational tracking. You’ll also get a crash-course in native-bird identification—and garner a deeper appreciation for the diversity of Yosemite’s avian residents. A fabulous variety of songbirds inhabits the park at least part of the year, ranging from mountain bluebirds and vireos to neotropical warblers and honey-voiced hermit thrushes.
As the Yosemite Conservancy (which is helping fund the Yosemite MAPS work) notes, bird-banding can be a hugely informative scientific venture. An orange-crowned warbler that researchers banded at Hodgdon Meadow in 1996 was captured again in 1999 as it wintered near Victoria, Texas! The 1,500-mile distance between the two sites suggests the great journeys these tiny, colorful birds make yearly, as well as the importance of every individual ecosystem they utilize along the way.
Joining In
You can take part in the Hodgdon Meadow events by RSVP-ing the Yosemite Conservancy with the date you’d like to come and how many people you’ll be bringing. The Conservancy recommends toting along several layers of clothing, a pair of binoculars, and good footwear for the field—as well as sunscreen, water, snacks, a bird guide, and other essentials.
Come join the fun—and play a role in some fascinating and critical conservation-biology work right here in our fabulous Yosemite wilderness!
Visit Yosemite National Park In July
If you’re planning on making Yosemite reservations, consider making them with Yosemite’s Scenic Wonders. We offer Yosemite cabins within the gates of the park. With one of our cozy cabins, condominiums, or homes, your Yosemite accommodations will be just minutes from all the wonderful things to do in Yosemite in July.
Give us a call at 1-888-YOSEMITE ( 1-888-967-3648) to learn about our rentals and to make your Yosemite reservations today.
Yosemite National Park Blog
Scenic Wonders’ Yosemite blog provides the latest news related to Yosemite National Park. By reading our blog, you’ll stay up to date on activities, accommodations, and more.
Photo credit: puliarf