Meadow Loop Trail of Wawona
The Meadow Loop Trail of Wawona is family friendly. It is an easy trail to fall in love with because of all the beautiful wildflowers that are in bloom from May to June.
The Meadow Loop Trail of Wawona is the historic Meadow Road, which was built in 1891. Allow a couple of hours to enjoy this 3.5 mile loop trail, which is open all year long.
The trail can be started from either trailhead. To reach the first trailhead, continue past the bridge for a short distance and then turn right to follow the short road that cuts across the golf course. To reach the second trailhead, continue south past the Hotel for a short distance and then turn right into the trailhead parking area.
Among some of the wildflowers to look for are the cow parsnip, lupine, corn lily, and the snow plant. Watching the mule deer among the grasses and sedges is another fun way to spend time with the family. Listening to the frog songs and birdsongs is also a good way to spend some family time along this trail.
The Meadow Loop Trail of Wawona is family friendly. It is an easy trail to fall in love with because of all the beautiful wildflowers which are in bloom from May to June.
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