Greetings From Yosemite
I greet you from Yosemite.
"LIFE IS GOOD" when we are fully alive with "JOY" pouring forth from our hearts.
Before the SNOW from the approaching winter storm would close the Glacier Point Road for the season, some Park visitors from Barcelona, Spain were "JUMPING FOR JOY" at GLACIER POINT!!!
BEAUTY will enter your heart as you cross country ski along the Glacier Point Road....hopefully arriving at Glacier Point, which now offers wonderful views of snow covered mountains.
The snow is happy to return to Yosemite.
After resting most of the summer, Yosemite Falls are alive again as water is pouring forth from the creek above and over the tall cliff. Last Sunday as I drove to Yosemite Valley for Mass, I felt alive again as I couldn't help but notice the awesome rainbow that had been just been "painted" across the falls. I thought of my dad. He wanted me to have my camera with me at all times in order to take pictures on my adventures in Yosemite!!!
I send my first blog in memory of my dad, who visited Yosemite in 1988. He passed away this year on 9/11, just four days shy of his 92nd birthday!!!
Post by: Laura, Scenic Wonders