Discovering The Treasures
Discovering the treasures within Yosemite leads to further treasure hunts. No one can ever exhaust Yosemite’s treasures within a lifetime. Majestic El Capitan is a treasure indeed! Can we find all the wealth contained in El Capitan? Are we are able to find all the wealth contained within Yosemite?
It is precisely because we are unable to find all the treasures this day that we are thankful for all the riches of Yosemite. We are greatly enriched beyond our imagination this day.
When you seek more treasure, come to Yosemite once again. We are happy that an abundance of treasures remains to be discovered. Yosemite’s treasures cannot be taken in all at once. We could not possible grasp all the treasures at one time. Upon ever visit treasures continue to reward our heart. As time goes on… our heart learns to absorb more treasures of the heart.
The hard granite of El Capitan is largely without cracks, showing that it has withstood all the elements to become one of the largest monoliths in the world. El Capitan is 3,245 feet above the valley floor; its sheer cliff wall rises about 3,000 feet from the valley floor.
Discovering the treasures within Yosemite leads to further treasure hunts. No one can ever exhaust Yosemite’s treasures within a lifetime. Majestic El Capitan is a treasure indeed!
Scenic Wonders invites you to visit beautiful Yosemite. Stay in one of our family homes or condominiums. Call our reservation desk at 1-888-YOSEMITE.