Different Types of Animals You'll See On a Hike In Yosemite
If you are planning a hiking trip to California’s Yosemite National Park, you can expect to see many different species of animals. The park is home to more than 400 types of species, including mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. These are some of the unique animals you may see while hiking in the park.
American Black Bear
There are approximately 300 to 500 black bears inside Yosemite. They continue to be one of the most sought after animals to see. Contrary to their name, most of the black bears in Yosemite have brown fur. If you see a bear while hiking, park rangers urge you to give the bear space. Black bears are rarely confrontational, but are known to be aggressive when they have cubs or are guarding food.
Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep
The bighorn sheep of Yosemite are the only animals in the park on the endangered species list. They normally stick to the highest terrain in the park. If you are hiking in some of the higher elevations, you may spot one of these incredible creatures with a pair of binoculars.
Mule Deer
While hiking in Yosemite, the chances of seeing a mule deer are high. Mule deer are the only type of deer that call the park home. Park rangers discourage people from feeding the deer because they may become agitated, and human food can be harmful to them.
Bobcats in Yosemite are elusive animals, but they have been spotted many times. It is not unusual to see bobcats hunting pray during the day. They are very important to the parks ecosystem because they keep the rodent population under control. Humans have nothing to fear from these beautiful cats.
No matter where you hike in Yosemite, you may catch a glimpse of a coyote. Even when you are nowhere near them, it is also possible to hear them howling at each other to communicate. Naturalists believe the Yosemite coyotes enjoy howls the way we enjoying singing. Coyotes are very shy and try to avoid humans. If you are hiking in Yosemite, park rangers recommend taking some time to watch the meadows. This is where many of the animals come to feed. Wherever you go in the park, you are bound to see some fascinating animals in their natural habitats.