Dean Potter (Age 43) Climbing Legend, Passes Away
I greet you from Yosemite
May 18, 2015
Yosemite West neighbor.....Dean Potter....Climbing Legend...among 2 dead in base jump attempt
the rock climbing community lost one of its own this Saturday
the yosemite community lost one of its own this Saturday
the Yosemite West community lost one of its own this Saturday
i lost a neighbor this Saturday, May 16, 2015.
Dean was a breath of fresh air...a breath of fresh air....also.....to our community...and...to me as a neighbor.......he was always so so so happy....
Dean Potter...an angel...... i thanked God that i had such a perfect... practically next door neighbor ...
....a perfect 10.......in his honor...well he was a perfect 5.10, a climbing route classification.....5.10 was detailed on his van and on his life......
i enjoyed seeing the progress Dean was making.....preparing his land....with his dog Whisper at his side....he planned to build his home made of.......rocks......what a perfect choice
always a cheerful smile and a kind greeting...... our paths crossed most days
a friend told me ....he is a good one.....a good person.....good natured
yes, he was.....he had an angelic nature...very graceful....
he was kind....a warm soul
he loved his dog Whisper....a beautiful Australian cattledog.....i never saw one without the other...they loved each other....whisper....God speaks softly...in whispers....spirit...wind... breath...
he took the time to introduce himself to me......saying he wanted to meet his neighbor
he was so polite....
so....you're my famous rock rock climber.....neighbor
he smiled boyishly....humbly....his heart was warm....and his face handsome
the first time i met him...he put a smile on my face....and my heart....my spirit was lifted....up.....
he wanted to be a good neighbor.....and he was...and he helped me to be a better neighbor...
we talked about our love of the mountains and adventure....
a lengthy talk.....that was too short
Dean was truly......sorry to hear about...the recent death of my dad...
i told him what my dad had told me....
that my dad....didn't miss a beat...of his heart or his own life...when his own beloved mom died...
my dad wanted me to do the same...when ...one day....he would pass away..
he wanted me to be strong and to have faith.....God knows what he's doing...
Dean was happy...
that looking for beautiful rainbow clouds...to photograph with my ipod...made me happy
rock climbers make me happy.....i told him......inspirational...i love you guys
i never knew about his dream.....to catch the wind......to feel his spirit lifted up
on another occasion... Dean.....spoke of God...
he seemed to possess a childlike innocence.....from God
Dean Potter....an angel......
the angels accompanied....one of their own....an angel....this Saturday...into heaven
tears from Heaven....it did rain softly on Saturday...tears of joy from Heaven
heaven wanted Dean....heaven needed an another angel.....
The Angel's little instruction book by eileen elias freeman....
upon our dad's death...my sister sent it to me
the following words are from the book...
....how beautiful upon the mountains.....are the feet of the angels...who announce peace....
He rode on a cherub and flew: he came swiftly
..........upon the wings of the wind..... Psalm 18:10
And Jacob dreamed that there was a stairway set up on the earth,
the top of it reaching to heaven, and the angels
of God were ascending and descending it.
....be an angel to someone......whenever you can
The angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that that their loved ones are safe in the hand of God.
John Muir....My First Summer in Yosemite
"How deep our sleep last night in the mountain's heart, beneath the trees and stars, hushed by solemn sounding waterfalls and many small soothing voices in sweet accord.......whispering peace."
i used mostly lower case letters in the blog tonight......i'm trying to whisper
on Sunday...the helicopters were flying....i didn't know why they were flying...i was sitting on the ground.....photographing golden stars...beautiful flowers...with el cap in the background....as i watched the rock climbers above........suddenly....the Valley was quiet....a few raindrops.....just for a few moments....a moment of silence....the the wind was whispering.....the light shining through the clouds......formed a bolt of lightening image........the clouds were amazing.....Dean was an amazing soul with amazing grace.....
the selected pictures....to honor the Dean Potter.....
the climber.....el cap and clouds
the graceful gentle soul....and climber....Bridalveil Fall...pohono...its Indian name means
.......... puffing wind...whispering wind...
the angel....angelic Mariposa lily....with tears of joy from heaven
the neighbor....bringing rainbows into our lives
the friend......as the sun sets....goodbye for now....
we at Scenic Wonders offer our condolences to his family,friends.......beloved girlfriend.....and Whisper, his beloved cute cute cute dog....
The CNN article is attached at the end of this post.
el cap and clouds
bridalveil fall..
angelica Mariposa lily w tears from heaven....tears of joy
purple clouds w rainbows taken morning of dean's death
sunset...goodbye for now
Climbing legend Dean Potter among 2 killed in Yosemite BASE jump attempt
By Jethro Mullen and Sam Stringer, CNN
Updated 6:03 PM ET, Mon May 18, 2015