Dawn Wall Goes Free
They made it!!!
One for the record books!
One for the history books!!
photo credit - Laura Sefchik
Yosemite's rock...is world-renowned by rock climbers, who discovered the big walls of Yosemite in the 1930's.
The first ascent of El Cap was in 1958.
The technical climbing routes up El Cap are LONG and DIFFICULT. ?There are about 12 routes, the most famous is probably the NOSE, which goes from El Cap's foot...up to its brow. It was first climbed in November 1958, after 1 ½ years of scouting. It was first climbed continuously in 6 1/2 days in 1960, and is now routinely climbed...and by mid-1970’s was climbed in 17 hours.
However, the most infamous route is the Dawn Wall aka WALL of the EARLY MORNING LIGHT......it ascends the blank wall just to the right of the nose route. The first ascent of the Dawn Wall was made in 1970, by Warren Harding and Dean Caldwell (no relation to Tommy). It took them 26 1/2 days using technical hardware; and they received much PRESS coverage at the time. Dean said of this free climb, "It was nothing but INSPIRED. I admire these guys. I see little similarity between the Yosemite climbing of today and that of the 60's, but the spirit is the same. They're doing it. It is a moving thing to see."
The first ascent of the?Dawn Wall?was made in 1970, by Warren Harding and Dean Caldwell (no relation to Tommy). It took them 26 1/2 days using?technical hardware; and they received much PRESS coverage at the time. ? Dean said of this free climb, "It was nothing but INSPIRED. ?I admire these guys. I see little similarity between the Yosemite climbing of today and that of the 60's, but the spirit is the same. They're doing it. It is a moving thing to see."
Climbers know that they must not take?El Capital's granite Dawn Wall for granted!!! ?Caution?and experience are needed for safe climbing. Experienced rock climbers know that "freedom of the hills" comes with understanding the rock.?
ROCK CLIMBING is a joyous activity.....
when one is prepared.....
Physical conditioning....
Climbing with the eyes...scoping out the route ...the challenging puzzle of finding the moves "to make the route go." ?But?the-dawn-wall-goes-free because as Kevin said,?"In?2007, Tommy, saw a line - distinct crack- on the BLANK section of the wall. ?It took all this time....pieces come together year after year. ?Most people only "see" the final week of the "push up the wall" and never the backstory of all the years....they don't see the line on the face.."
The difficulty of climbs is rated based on:?
Tommy and Kevin made 32 pitches to climb the?3000' wall. ?Their Dawn Wall route has two sections rated 5.14c.....one of the most difficult climbing routes in the world!!!?
When interviewed by Charlie Rose, Tommy responded by saying that climbing is fulfilling a dream..a journey of passion...not about seeking thrills.?
Kevin said...Dream big and see projects to their end....anything is possible with hard work, much resolve, staying hopeful....see it through...even...7days to get past a certain section of the wall.?
Tommy's encouragement helped Kevin...who fell eleven times. ?It was important for both of them to do this together. Community!!!
This climb resonates...because as Kevin said, "Everyone has his own Dawn Wall."
The mountain face is?encountered....that is face to face with that of the climber.?
John Muir wrote…"When we dwell with mountains, see them face to face, every day, they seem as creatures with a sort of life- friends subject to moods, now talking, now taciturn, with whom we converse as man to man. They wear many spiritual robes, at times an aureole, something like this glory old painters put around the heads of saints...
When Kevin was asked--what kept him going... he responded, "I didn't want to be the guy who almost climbed the Dawn Wall."? ??
This morning while ?running on the Valley Loop Trail, I had a beautiful view of El Capitan ... face to face… with…The Three Graces.... and it?dawned?on me.....yes, we all have our own Dawn Wall....and...with perseverance....we receive our dawn-filled ?moments of light...that help us with the wall....
I thought about what John Muir had written...."But the darkest scriptures of the mountains are illumined with bright passages of love that never fail to make themselves felt when one is alone. .... The dawn...was glorious.
Everything encouraged my undertaking and betokened success. ?....I set forth free and hopeful. How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains!!! ?To behold this alone is worth the pains of any excursion a thousand times over. "
Take a rock climbing class with the Yosemite Mountaineering School?
Get a good night sleep before class, by staying with Scenic Wonders.?
The First Free Climb Ascent of the Dawn Wall on Yosemite's El Cap.
On January 14, 2015, Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgensen reached the top of El Captain...together. ?It took 19 days of climbing...free climbing the Dawn Wall...with just hands and feet...but the vision for Tommy began eight years ago!!! ?and for Kevin about six years ago. Studying the route and techniques, training and keeping fit, previous attempts, and, of course, learning more about oneself....takes time.