Yosemite says Farewell to Dr. Julia Parker
World renowned basket maker and cultural ambassador, Julia Parker has retired.
We'll be celebrating Dr. Parker's 68 year legacy in Yosemite National Park on Friday, July 17th!
This public event will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on the grounds of the Ahwahnee Hotel.
I found the following story written by Julia, in 2004.....from National Park Foundation Official Guide. Arriving at the age of 18, my first impression of Yosemite was not unlike those of visitors today. "The first thing I noticed was the water...the sound of water, and the water coming down, just flowing. I was enthralled with Cascade and Wildcat Falls. I remember turning in a big circle, looking at the high granite cliffs and water falling down, and marveling at the beauty.
Being orphaned at a young age, I imagined that Yosemite might become a shelter for me as it had been for early native peoples. In total, I've spent 57 years of my lifetime working in Yosemite. When first approached about working for the Park to share my culture and craft with visitors, I was apprehensive. I wasn't college-educated, wasn't a descendant of the local Indian tribe, and didn't know much about making baskets.
However, I did have a deep knowledge of the culture; I was married to a native and was raising a family in the Old Indian Village in Yosemite. My husband's grandmother, Lucy Telles, lived with our family. I watched Lucy and learned to use baskets in utilitarian ways for things like cooking, carrying babies, and gathering acorns.
The American Indian peoples of Yosemite have more history with this land than any other cultural group. These people were real people, with families, not just storybook people when dressed up. The National Park is everybody's story. No matter who you are or where you come from, this is everybody's story.
This is my life here and my story is Yosemite. Like all people that contribute to an ever-changing Yosemite, I like to think I've touched this place and made my mark. In turn, Yosemite has become a deep part of who I am. The two stories have evolved together and are deeply entwined-woven like the willow stems in one of my baskets."
The 2004 picture accompanying the story is Julia Parker, Interpretive Park Ranger, Yosemite National Park. I enjoyed a visit with Julia on January 25, 2015; she smiled as I took her picture....I had just shown her the picture of a younger Julia with the caption, "Indian Basket Weaver'" that was in a small book about Yosemite!! She smiled....reflecting that she remembered the photographer and the little book by Golden Books!!!
The Scenic Wonders family would like to thank Julia for her dedicated service to the Park...and to the Park Visitors.
Another terrific day in Yosemite