A Hiker’s Paradise
Yosemite Park is a hiker’s paradise because of the over 1,300 species of flowering plants, 223 kinds of birds, and 77 kinds of mammals living here.
Yosemite is part of the the gentle wilderness of the Sierra Nevada.
On today’s hike, we see bear tracks left in the moist ground because of the recent spring snowfall. The diet of a bear includes berries, insects, acorns, pine nuts, and rodents. We see plenty strawberry and thimbleberry plants for the bears to enjoy in the late summer.
We also see a couple of mule deer and two gray squirrels. One squirrel is scurrying along a fallen white fir tree. We notice its beautiful bushy tail. The other squirrel is near a black oak enjoying some acorns. Acorns are cached individually in the ground in autumn, some of which are dug up later, especially in the winter. Some of the acorns forgotten in the ground~ grow up to become oak trees!
We see a robin, two stellar’s jays, and hear a woodpecker. We see so many beautiful flowers along our trail. We see incense cedar, sugar pine, and white fir growing in this mixed coniferous forest at 6,000 feet.
Yosemite Park is a hiker’s paradise because of the over 1,300 species of flowering plants, 223 kinds of birds, and 77 kinds of mammals living here.
Scenic Wonders invites you to visit beautiful Yosemite. Stay in one of our family homes or condominiums. Call our reservation desk at 1-888-YOSEMITE.